
Vrindavan - Eco Yoga Farm in Ecuador - Baños

We are looking forward to sharing our way of life with you and learning from each other. In Vrindavan we practice a holistic lifestyle focusing on spiritual development through yoga, vedic philosophy, vegetarian cooking, mantra meditations, sustainable living practices and connection with nature.

About Finca Vrindavan - (Ecuador)

Vrindavan is nestled in the high jungle over a wide acreage of primary forest, cultivated land, rivers, and waterfalls. The weather changes every day but for the most part it is neither hot nor cold, with frequent rains giving life to a variety of native flora and fauna.

We hope that the beautiful surrounding environment and people you meet here will inspire you to make the most out of your stay.

Vrindavan Farm - Paradise

Everybody at Vrindavan is a volunteer! We have no hired help so we need assistance in all areas including daily tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and maintaining the land and facilities. In addition we are working on cultivating the land and hope to develop new projects soon to make our village more sustainable; such as a hydro-electric system for light and a biodigestor to make gas. We are also open to different skills and creative ideas you wish to share with us, as well as other things you may want to offer like language classes, art workshops, etc.

Prices :


$USD12 per day.  $USD10 per day for stays of 1 week or more. $USD 7 a day for stays of 30 days. If you wish to stay longer a discount can be negotiated. There's no minimum stay, but we advice that you stay for at least a week to get the most out of the program.

Become part of Eco Yoga Park´s staff:
After 2 months in the volunteer program, if you and the members of the eco community feel comfortable with each other, you can stay free as a resident or as a park staff member.

Included in this price you receive:

- daily 7am yoga class
- 3 vegetarian meals a day (no eggs)
- single or double room with blankets and beds
- twice daily temple services (6am, 6pm) where we sing in sanskrit and discuss vedic philosophy (optional)
- temascal (sweat lodge) which occurs about twice a month
- free time to explore the beautiful forest landscape, swim in the river and shower in the waterfall!
Volunteers are required to work 4-5 hours a day and with the rest of their time they may attend the morning yoga class or philosphy class, or enjoy bathing in the river and exploring the land. All extra activities are completely optional.

We also offer massage and healing therapies at an additional cost.

Please do not bring any drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes to Vrindavan. This is a wonderful place to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit and we support each other in overcoming personal challenges and developing a healthy lifestyle.

We recommend that you bring:

- raincoat or poncho
- flashlight or candles (we have electricity 24hrs but it is useful for power outages and walking on trails)
- rubber boots
- natural mosquito repellent
- bathing suit and towel

- clothing for both warm and cold weather

- watch with an alarm
- a desire to practice your Spanish!

How to arrive to Finca Vrindavan

Baños, Rio negro, Estancias (4km)


Take the bus from Baños towards Puyo and get off in the town of Rio Negro (approx. 40 minutes bus ride, 0,75 cents) ask the local taxi drivers to take you the 4 km to Finca Vrindavan (2 dollars for a shared taxi).

PS: If you arrive in Rio Negro after dark, it may be difficult to find a taxi to take you to the farm. Rio Negro is a very small town with just a few taxis and the taxi drivers usually stop working around 9:00 PM. The taxis are pickup trucks and are usually parked in front of the plaza. You can ask for a taxi in any of the stores or restaurants. If you can't find a taxi, it is possible to walk to the farm. Walk to the end of town (towards Puyo) and turn right, crossing the bridge. It is about 4km from the bridge to the farm.

for futher information:
Telephone: (03)3 03 1038

Eco Village Network

Finca Vrindavan is part of a network of organic farms and Eco Villages across the Americas and Europe.

All Eco Villages aim to make friends who will carry our message of simple living and caring for our beloved land to other parts of the world. Principled Vaisnavas (a sanscrit word meaning: person with a good heart) can not only help in the development of our Eco Villages, but by living with others who share the same ideals will also learn how to be the best that they can be and live harmoniously.

Through this network, we care for others through an awareness of nature and universal love.

(Please visit Our Eco Village Network)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Peru License.

Volunteering - Eco Yoga Farm in Ecuador © Layout ByDruva.

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